Jul 17, 2008

and we come to end of days

a question: should i dye my hair a) black or b) that beautiful shade of lightbrown Uruha so often has ? maybe i'll just go black. simple, looks fine. EXCEPT ! i'd need to dye my eyebrows and lashes too. shit. the "benefits" of being a natural redhead: your facial hair (LOL) is near invisible ! woohoo.
damn u nora, for putting born lyrics as your headline :D i just HAD TO dl born immediately and listen to it. and now i'm on a despa mood. damn. ah fuck i hate this band. they have too many songs that make me all emotional. fuckers. damn hizumi. damn all those guys. not really. come back to F-land puriisu kay ?

gah brain failure. i really had something to say. can't remember now. how typical.

how well does this describe the going-on's inside my head.... xD

bwahahah <3

1 comment:

Nora said...

Blame your girlfriend for it. XD Well, for owning D'espa DVDs and getting me all in a D'espa mood. They really ought to come back to Finland. So, that I can a. rock my head of to the music and b. have my cleavage give the boys a brainfart. :DD