Dec 10, 2008

this thorn in my side is from the tree i've planted

so i didn't finish that previous entry. and i didn't get shitfaced. booh fuck.
but yesterday ! i took the insurance papers to teh office and now i'll just wait 'till they call me and jeee i gets a new fucking phone. fuck yeah. and yesterday, we also went to check the nearest petstore, to see if they still had these two boy ratties. they didn't :( we were all psyched up and ready to buy them when we went there, so it was disappointing. BUT feeling that we really need the rats NOW, we took a bus to jumbo, and lo & behold, at the pet store there were these two gorgeous girls ! agouti berkie and agouti rex irish they are, our pretties. i just asked some questions about them and their background, handled them a bit and then it was basically decided :D i keep referring to them as 9/11 rats (that's when they're born, september 11th)... seriously, if they were boys i'd change their names to osama and saddam or something. would be change too good to put to waste.
agh today i feel (again) like NOT fucking going to work. i feel so tired all the time again... okay, i'll probably spark it up when i actually get there, but now, all i wanna do is fucking go back to sleep. even thought i slept without a blink the whole night still feel like a fucking truck ran over me... fucking hell.

oh dear fuck, i need coffee and cigs.

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