Apr 12, 2009

pull the trigger if you gonna, we all know that you wanna

WHY oh WHY must i have super cute guy as my work mate ? and WHY oh WHY must i have this ohsofucking gorgeous guy working as a security guard at the same place ? come on, my genes are killing me here. this could also be understood as me having a droolfest at work. that was yesterday.
yesterday i felt like doing something, going somewhere so bad. hanged with n at our place for some hours, but in the end i started to feel choked, i needed to be alone for a while. it didn't really help too much, but it was something i needed. i spent few hours watching stuff from rock 'n roll hall of fame ceremony. fucking damn, jason newsted still looks like a million bucks. and speeches all the met guys held there were so nice (except rob, i didn't watch that part because well, i don't care) and touching... booh. booh. i wanna go to san fran..........
today i have been just lagging around and talking to some nerd in msn. he found me in myspace and ugh. i tell ya, he ain't hot. not by a long shot. but he's amusing to talk to.
now nora came and we're off to jump in the woods ! been dying to do that for ages. the weather ain't the beset possible, but who cares !

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