Feb 18, 2008

So it happens that I got sick. I was supposed to go out and party with Angie on Friday, and with Saana on Saturday. Did no happen, because I was kinda busy eating pils to stay conscious. Blah. Well, I hope we can have a new try this weekend. I need to go and dance my brains off, for fucks sake.

I miss A so badly... and I have no idea if she misses me too or not. Hell, I don't even know what exactly feels for me. Sucks.
But I miss so many other people too. I'm hugely bummed about the fact that I didn't get to go to Marjaana's last party. Money money money. Well, when she's over the treatments which BETTER go fucking well, we'll have the tooga-party ^^ Me, Nora-chan, Terhi-chan & Marji-chan. That's going to be later this year...

Now I should call the hospital and ask about my surgery. Like are they going to operate me if I still have this horrible cough. Difficult, things are.

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