Feb 26, 2008

One thing that annoys me is promises. Some people seem to have humongously hard time to keep them. Oh well, another thing to make me see more how these peeps really are.

I visited Helsinki shortly last week (went there thursday and came back friday), totally spontaneous idea was that. But we (me, Saana, Nora & Aiski) got drunk and it was all jolly goodnessss. Before one of us decided to fail HARD and right before that we got a visit from the police. Whoops. They said that someone living next door can't sleep because we be so f'n loud. Like wtf ?? We were sooooooooooooooo quiet that night that it's not even possible xD Weird stalker grannies A&N have as their neighbours...
And I miss mah girls already so bad ;;______;;

From Sunday I have been at stables and had fun and worked my ass off with all this training. My pony is so sporty ^^<3

I wish so much it's be April already :/

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