Aug 1, 2008

leave taking

according to what my friends vote on face book i suck at dancing. tear.
ugh, my right ankle, left knee and right wrist are all swollen. the feet parts because we (me, mah girl, saana-chan, aiski-shi & nora) did this really random trip yestreday: we went to vuosaari and headed for this hill called mustavuori ! fucking epic trip. as usual, we just couldn't use the roads, no. we went through forests, fields, old vittujäteasema, more bushes... but we made it the mount doom alive :D isengard was there to tell us our location all the time x) back "home" we made it something after 12:30 am...
this morning has been slow. i dyed anni's hair, she's now in the shower washing it off. so we just wait to see how it turned out. agh. in a way i feel kinda.. empty. thinking about seeing her go in just a few hours... and i don't know how far i will be allowed to come to see her off. maybe she wants to go to the airport alone ? ok not alone but yeah. shit.
oh le sigh.

oh looky, just like us yesterday ! just not sure who's the pony...

oh le sigh.

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