Aug 2, 2008

you are lost, you can never go home

for fucks sake why the hell can't i get to livejournal !!!!! stoopid thing just redirects me to some page P___P cruel.
but this being the case i think i have to write here then... hmmm. how do i feel now ? surprisingly serene. it's kinda weird to be hanging here alone (well not really, since T-chan is in the other room). and at the same it's not weird. feels similar to be hanging in my own ap. maybe because i spend almost as much time there and here, and always with her... and then a day after she leaves i just sit in front of the comp alone. weird.
i just hope our homeland ruksu doesn't mind me being here too much. she woke me up today, visiting the fridge and informing that folks are coming over this afternoon and she's going to make some noise aka use the vacuumcleaner. so i gets up. and comes here. i think i should maybe head out soon ? to be outta the way, you know. gagagaga.
hmmgh. yesterday, after seeing my precioussss to the bus taking them to the airport, i hanged around the town for a while. visited some sales, found nothing except these pants *-* the comfiest pants EVER. and they're "only" 30 e... should i buy them or not ? i could use that money on something else. and i'd probably need it for something else. ah shit. i hardly ever use any other type pants than jeans (to public places that is) so these would be a welcome change, Y/N ? decisions decisions.

today it's not as hot as it was yesterday. so probably no going to beach/tanning. that elvenmountain is still calling meeee.... and i should get together with aiski, to plan our trip to come later this month i think. maybe i should SMS her.

sweet tapdancing jesus, it surely shows on my face and body that i ate a bag of tortillachips yesterday :D ONLY 490 kcal per 100 grams and the pack was 400 grams. LARD. i'd so need a run. but. don't have my runningstuff. girl said i could use her stuff, but i'm not sure where i could find that said stuff, and can't be bothered to dig around her closets. oh le sigh. the problems of being lazy.
but atleast my hair is not so kulahtanut anymore. mah girl dyed it yesterday, i'm back in black, bitches ! over a year it has been, yes it has, preciousss~~

oh well i shall get dressed and try to get a hold on someone. to hang with.

//EDIT: so i need to leaveee~~ the coming peeps are gonna stay the night and use mah girls bed. hopefully they are authorised xD T-chan just left to get them from maybe railwaystation dunno, so i have a while to get my shit together and be gone ! YO DUDES CAN I COME TO GOA ??? if not then i think i'm gonna have to leave herushinki for now... but yap damn answer ur sms's and nora please come back from that busy statuuuus~~

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