Aug 3, 2008

so in the end i'll be what i will be

i weight now more than i have in oh dunno, the past fucking half a year ?! how fucking disgusting. thank god i know a few pounds of that are just the mere amount of pizza i ate. we made 2 of them and my god they were full of grease xD 1 kg of creamcheese we used and fillings, oh so much of them. good good it was, yes, but oh so fatty. nasty fat fat fat. we hates it, oh how we hates it, precioussss, yes we does *gollum voice*

heard some from my dear. what a time to be texting with someone, 4 am here and 10 am there. weird. and how weird it is that i seem to need her more and more, and i miss her even more now that she is so far away. miles miles miles, how much they put weight on things.

later today i really need to go for a run. hopefully aiski-shi's running shoes could be borrowed and would fit me.

oh and we watched x-men 3. gahaha it was nice.

gonna go to sleep now. put alarm to 9 am, maybe i can actually open my eyes and maybe catch her when she comes online...

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