Sep 26, 2008

i feel like i wouldn't like me if i met me

life is NOT hell atm. work is good, i'm not that sick anymore, we got some things talked through. i like it right now.
today i'm having a day off. the bosses are having this end-of-season-meeting somewhere and no-one is at evening service today. 3 day weekend. sleeping a little later than usual was very very welcome. now i should get my ass up from this floor, go do the dishes (kitchen is abt to explode...), freshen my self up a little and maybe head to visit some shops and fleamarkets and second hand shops. i really need new pants, jacket and jeans... and maybe shoes. i'm just so cheap i don't want to pay too much so finding them is hard... and i'm also too lazy to run through million places in one day or even a week. maybe tomorrow. i don't KNOW.
yesterday mims cut mu hair and my girl's too. goody good again. looking like a human is always nice xD

... ugh i eat too much nuts these days...

ok my brains are failing me again.

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