Jun 18, 2008

".. and I'm like "that's cool". "

Just one thing: Forrest <3 Goddamnit how can a guy be so damn... no well rento, laid back, funny, hot, everything ??? And he's successful, that usually does things to people, but not him. Agh this kills meeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! Wanna go and hit the octacon in MMA womens thingy. Train train train train.
Oh and of course I gotta mention Chris Leben. Damn he's gotten hot since TUF season 1. Ok IMO he was fucking gorgeous, sorta symppis, cute all that jazz already then but wow he's HOTTTTT with gazillion t's and in letter the size of fucking globe. Grau.
Damn I must be horny as hell subconsciously or something because duh, it's not like me to kuolail some men this much usually :D GODDAMNIT WHERE'S MY MAN ??? Chriiiiiiis ?!?! Wanna trade Hawaii for Finland or send me a ticket to get there ??? Forreeeeest ???? Wanna ditch your bitch Jaime and ummm... yeah ?????? *rollllll* XD
Ok I think I'm going crazy or something. Nothing new, is there ?

Oh yeah, my work sucks. I already find myself hating flowers with a passion. After I end this (i.e. my head says poof or my back stops co-operating, which has already started...) I fucking never wanna see flowers again XD Or cemeteries. No thank you.

And just to flood the page width or something, a pic of Forrest !

Oh dear, it's not a flooder after all. Forrest on the right, Stephan Bonnar on the left. TUF season 1 Light Heavy Weight finalists ^^ Grau.

Now I really need to stop typing here. Bunch of crap, nothing else !

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