Jun 16, 2008

Honestly WTFLOL ?

Umm... why does it feel like no matter what I say and to who, it still travels to everyone's ears ? Really.
But yeah. Had my first episode of cemetery joobb and it was k. If we ofcourse don't count the fact that I have to get up at 5:30 every morning. Not funny. Not even by a longshot :D I was SO dead when I woke up today... but miraculously coffee and the hurried 5 min bikeride there managed to open my eyes ! I know that I'm going to end up hating grass, flowers, tombstones, anything to do with gardening XD Blisters have already appeared on my haaaands~~~
Sigh. Mom and bro are building a flowerholderthingy. Hammering away on the backyard. And I have to start a trip to Turvala, check for letter from the apartment office and bills. Blaegh. Lazyyy. Mims did throw out an idea of getting a little tipsy today... hmmm, fascinating ! Haven't drank anything in like a... week and few days XD I fail. Gonna throw Borgir a message anygays, to see if we'd just taste a little something ^^
2 whole days and then a half till she comes <3

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