Jun 14, 2008

My. Goddamn. Head. FUCKING. HURTS. And I'm fucking tired. And I have to get up fucking early tomorrow. And I feel awfully contradicted and my head is exploding =D How pretty it is outside !

Ok. Earlier today me, mom and doggy went to teh pururata with my youngest brother. Was nice, moving a little and stuff. Took the doggy for a swim too, he was happyy ^^ Mah dogy is so fine<3 Now I'm trying to catch my breath after we (mom and me) came back from Prisma with a huge load of food and stuff. On bikes, oh yay. Heavy stuff. But food<3 Me loves food. And me hates it.
Damn I've been really really thinking about applying for Finnish army. I know it's not likely that I would pass the tests, because my bodeeh is so fucking busted but still. What I lose in body condition I win back in persistence. It would be something I'd really like to do. Oh le sigh. Dreams. What good do they REALLY do ?

Now I shall eat. And get fat for tomorrow so I can scare the shit outta mah girl !

Oh yeah, I took out all my piercings today. This time I plan it to be for good.

1 comment:

Sini said...

jumaliste, olit prismassa etkä tullu moikkaamaan, vaikka meinasin kuolla sinne! :D