Jun 13, 2008


Today I read something this one person wrote and it made me feel.. used. Like "oh hay, this is this person and this is this, nice be friends, kay" and now I'm the one who's left out it all. Like I've fallen out of the "importantpersongroup". Good to know u guys are having fun. I don't know. In a way it makes me sad as fuck, and i hate it. On the other hand... I can't care. Be as you are. If you need me, you can always call. But don't trust I'll be there for you again in the ways i've been. Sigh. And Sini if you read this DON'T make assumptions it's abt you or H, it's not :D

On the other hand, good stuff too: I got a harjoittelupaikka from Parikka cemetery, and I'm starting Monday 7 am. It doesn't pay much, only 8 e per day but atleast it's something. Plus I get to use the swimming hall and the gym there for free *__*<3 Trainiiiing~~
Sunday I head to meet my girl at Kaivari. Työkkäri arranges this free concert trip and I'm so going, even for a few hours. Miss my dear already like crazy even thought it hasn't been more than what, 4 days since we parted ? Feels heckalot longer. Thank hide (lol) that she's coming to Kotka on thursday to spend Midsummer's eve with me<3

My boring days have been full of Band of Brothers. I've fallen in love harder than ever with that series :D It's just fucking GOOD damnit ! EASY COMPANYYYY >8OO !!! *hypes*

For now it's me off.


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