Jun 25, 2008


blah blah money blah blah blah hate blah blöäääääärgh.

i am going to london in october. i just decided it yesterday. especially if the leben vs. pisbing (whateveritwas) match is on. UFC is coming to looondoooon ! and i'm going toooooo ! i have to ! gyarh.
agreed to go and visit kotka tkd next week, probably thursday. need to give janne back his battlestar galactica dvds, i've had them like... few years XD fail. maybe i'll get to work out some. and break my self. woohoo !

going to stables today, ride with filly<3 yesterday it was lulubell. suvela is leaving to Vihti on friday. i might be going with rauni on that trip... we shall see.

DAMN DENTIST fucked up my jaw. it hurts all the time and the left side of my jaw is swollen. fucking hell. i should call and try to get a doctor's appointment, to get my back, leg and skin checked. sucks. tired. hurting. blaeaeergh. and now my phone is fucking with me too. am trying desperately to add some music and this damn system just keeps crashing. fuck fucketi fuck fuck fuck.
gotta jet. bus leaves in 13 mins... shit.

//EDIT: whoops. didn't leave after all. clock beat me, plus got some of the shait arranged via cell. going tomorrow. sigh.
now am busy eating myself into a lardblob and then... working ouuut.

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